Abundant Housing LA is honored to endorse Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva for Assembly District 67. She is an incumbent with a fierce and genuine commitment to improving the lives of her constituents.
Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva has a proven record of not only raising critical issues but also addressing them through effective legislation. She was first elected to the Assembly in 2012, regained the seat in 2016, and won re-election In 2018 and 2020. She is seeking another term in the new Assembly District 67, which comprises a majority of her former district.
She is a life-long resident of Fullerton where she attended public schools through 12th grade and went on to earn an Associate of Arts degree from Fullerton College, a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Teaching Credential from
California State University, Fullerton.
Quick-Silva taught in the Fullerton School District for over 30 years, where she had the opportunity to really listen to the needs of her community. It was her time as a teacher that deepened her commitment to the community and led her to run for Fullerton City Council, where she served for 8 years (2004-2012), including twice as Mayor.
As a state legislator, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva has supported and
championed various bills that align with her priorities of housing and meaningfully addressing the homelessness crisis. She supported Senate Bills 9 and 10, and for this legislative year, she is championing the following legislation that align with our values (source: https://a65.asmdc.org/legislative-updates):
- AB 1858 Substandard Building: Health & Safety. Would make changes to the state housing law related to substandard buildings that would include safety and welfare protections for anyone occupying any buildings as housing/shelter even if the building is not zoned for residential purposes.
- AB 2011 RV Park: Local Jurisdictions. Would allow local jurisdictions to establish RV parks for those living in RVs and allow state housing funds, including Homekey monies, to be used.
- AB 2013 State Housing Plan: Home Ownership for Under-represented Communities. Requires that the state housing plan shall include a goal for increasing homeownership among historically underserved communities. This goal shall not be less than a 20% increase in homeownership over the most recent data baseline.
- AB 2218 California Environmental Quality Act CEQA – Lawsuits. Would prohibit any individual, group, or entity from filing a CEQA lawsuit against a proposed development project if they do not reside within the local city jurisdiction.
- AB 2221 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU): Reform. Makes clarifying changes and tightens procedural loopholes that have been used to prevent local jurisdictions and other entities from complying with the number of ADU state laws that were signed over the last few years.
- AB 2233 State Surplus Properties. Would require the Department of General Services (DGS), the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), and the California Housing Finance Agency to identify and prioritize State surplus properties that can be used for cost-effective housing developments.
- AB 2527 Tenant Consumer Protection: Use of Credit Checks. Would prohibit the use of credit checks for the purpose of qualification for rental housing.
- AB 2705 Master Planned Housing Communities: Wildfire Protections. This bill would prohibit local government jurisdictions from approving a new residential development project within a very high fire hazard severity zone unless the city or county finds that the residential development project will meet specified standards intended to address wildfire risks.
Assemblymember Quirk-Silva truly leads with her values. We share with her the values of listening to constituents, as well as the understanding that we need more housing. We are honored to endorse Assemblymember Quirk-Silva.
Our endorsement committee recommended this endorsement after reviewing candidates’ responses to a policy questionnaire and conducting interviews with the candidates. Please consider becoming a member today so we can continue vetting candidates and help elect truly pro-housing leaders all across LA County.
Paid for by Abundant Housing LA. 515 S Flower Street, 18th Floor, Los Angeles, CA, 90071. Not authorized by or coordinated with a City candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate. Additional information is available at ethics.lacity.org.
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