One step further

We’re also bringing people from across LA – City of LA and beyond – to strategize and fight for our FAIR LA Plan. We’re advancing a blog new vision for a more equitable LA.
Join us tomorrow 6-7p. Sign up here.
AHLA weighs in
We’ve released our endorsements!

Prop. 15. Measure J. And beyond.
Read our take on some ballot measures we think would be great for the movement to house LA.
Do more for economic & racial justice

We hope you saw our email yesterday. Measure J would be a huge win for social justice: greater investment in health, housing, and education for communities across the county.
Please consider taking some time on Wednesday to join the effort to get this critical measure passed. You’re standing up for communities of color! Thank you.
Sign up with one click here.
Tweet about it with one click here.
YIMBYism is allyship

“Trans people who had experienced homelessness were more likely to have attempted suicide (59%) than those who hadn’t (40%) and the general population (4%).”
It’s bleak for many LGBTQ+ people. Read more.