J O I N | D O N A T E | V O L U N T E E R
Hi Friend,
We probably don’t need to remind you that there are only 36 DAYS to elections…
We’re taking action on two critical measures: Measure J and Prop 15. Join us to phonebank for what could be a huge win for millions of Californians. Sign up at the links below.
Prop 15
Measure J
We also need you to help us spread the word.
The more eyeballs we get on this invitation, the more people join the effort. And we win. See the full thread here.
Click here to tweet out this info to your network! It’s critical that you do.
Speaking of ???? tweets…
They really tried.. But our friend Chris Elmendorf served facts to this anti-housing org and their bogus report. We loved it. You will too!
See Chris’s tweets.
Don’t miss this training
Have you ever been curious about how we choose what to advocate for?
Don’t miss this chance to find out more about our process, and about the role you can play.
Wednesday 6-7p. Sign up with one click here.
Join Rod & Leonora
As cities across California begin the update process for the 2021-2029 housing element (the 6th cycle!), join our executive director and organizing director for an event that will discuss in more detail what the housing element is and what it does.
More info and sign-up here.