Housing advocacy should be accessible to everyone. That is the premise of Abundant Housing LA’s new Housing Advocates Council. As our work in LA County deepens, there arose a need for a system that will allow everyone, including those that do not have substantial time and energy to dispense, to meaningfully engage in housing advocacy. The AHLA Housing Advocates Council is such a system. We will unveil details about the Council via a virtual kick-off event on Thursday, 6/30 at 6 pm.
A persisting issue in housing policymaking is that traditional public processes amplify and reinforce privileges, due to long, tedious public meetings at inconvenient hours, as well as the large amount of specific knowledge required in order to understand convoluted policy language and assess policy impact. Abundant Housing LA has been working to make housing policy more accessible since our founding 7 years ago. Today, more than 4900 Angelenos subscribe to our emails, which offer weekly action alerts and policy updates, explained in a way that everyone can understand.
With Housing Advocates Council membership, Angelenos not only stay updated on housing policy issues but also actively participate in policy discussions and influence impactful decisions made by Abundant Housing LA. Council membership will work for everyone at all levels of commitment, from those that simply want to weigh in on key decisions, to those that seek to develop leadership in housing. In addition to the general council, there will be opportunities for deeper engagement via various committees focused on specific impact areas, such as policy, education, racial equity, and political endorsements.
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