AB 1401 is in *suspense* in the Senate Appropriations Committee, with hearing scheduled for this THU 8/26. While it appears that the bill was placed on suspense because of procedural requirements (all bills deemed to have a fiscal impact >$50K are automatically put on suspense), we are staying vigilant and monitoring the situation closely.
AB 1401 helps combat the housing AND climate crisis by waiving arbitrary and harmful parking minimum requirements in areas near transit. This reduces housing construction costs by $50,000 – $80,000 per parking space, encourages transit usage, and promotes anti-sprawl infill developments. AB 1401’s cost-saving impact will especially benefit Affordable Housing: after San Diego waived parking requirements near transit in 2019, affordable housing production through its density bonus program increased sixfold.
Without AB 1401, families pay high rents for excessive parking, our environment suffers from car dependence & excessive driving, Affordable Housing doesn’t pencil out in areas rich in transit. All this means parking reform can’t wait for another year, and this Thursday’s hearing is critical. Show support for AB 1401 by calling your Senator today, and convince someone else to call their Senator!
????Click to call your Senator!
Helpful resources: ???? AB 1401 fact sheet ???? TOC and AB 1401 ???? Density Bonus and AB 1401 ???? Sample call script
Young people are especially impacted by the housing crisis, but housing and neighborhood politics are generally dominated by weathier, older, and leisured homeowners. This is where Jake Gotta comes in to fill the gap. Jake is a Tik Tok creator educating his peers about housing, transit, and urban development. Because of his efforts, young people on Tik Tok are learning about RHNA, housing element, transit, and parking requirements. Jake doesn’t shy away from critically examining urban policies, documenting and reporting on systemic racism in housing, mobility, and transportation. Jake holds a B.S. in Political Science from UCSB is currently based in Long Beach. To support Jake’s work, give him a follow on Tik Tok!
After a yearlong hiatus, Forbidden City will return on 9/18/21! – RSVP opens next week –
Meeting with Senate District 34, Office of Tom Umberg
San Fernando Valley for All Meeting Thu 8/26 | 6-7pm
Friends Of The Purple Line Meeting
Pasadena Chapter Meeting Wed 8/25 | 6 – 7pm
Councils District 9 Chapter Meeting Thu 8/26 | 7-8pm
Housing Element Captain Check-In
Please email jaime@abundanthousingla.org” style=”text-decoration: underline; color: #228ae6;” rel=”noopener”>Jaime Del Rio to attend local meetings.
Sat 9/11 at noon After some much-needed recharge, Housing 101 returns in September, and will continue at a reduced frequency of every other month. Register for September and November sessions today!
STILL accepting application! | HousingIsKey.com Qualifying renters and landlords are now eligible for 100% of rent and utilities owed.
Landlords From Florida to California Are Jacking Up Rents at Record Speeds Bloomberg Soaring prices. Competition. Desperation. The dramatic conditions for U.S. homebuyers during the past year are now spilling into the market for rentals.
Landlords from Tampa, Florida, to Memphis, Tennessee, and Riverside, California, are jacking up rents at record speeds. For each listing, multiple people apply. Some renters are forced to check into hotels while they hunt after losing out too many times.
“There’s a Goldilocks factor”: Older offices can be too big or too small. Why empty offices aren’t being turned into housing, despite lengthy vacancies NBC News The pandemic emptied out a historic number of offices, leaving behind vacant towers and depressed city centers. Combined with a nationwide shortage of housing, some wonder why there aren’t more push for office-to-housing conversions.
The reasons why, experts say, lie in the hard-to-navigate beauracratic processes, structural/design differences between offices and residences, market conditions making conversion not feasible, and the fact that there are easier conversions, such as big box retail buildings, to pursue.
This week in…
housing justice Housing Los Angelenos is a human right and can fight climate change / The Urban Activist
climate emergency Denser cities could be a climate boon – but nimbyism stands in the way / The Guardian
urbanism across America Ranking the Top 15-Minute Cities of the United States / Planetizen
missing middle Visualizing Sensible Solutions to the State’s Housing Crisis / by Adam Mayer
Show your support for ending exclusionary zoning with a yard sign!
Use the link to purchase a sign to be sent directly to you. There are three different designs to choose from, including the one shown here. A portion of every purchase goes towards helping to support AHLA and our mission!
Abundant Housing LA 515 S Flower St. Floor 18 Los Angeles, CA, 90071
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