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Victory for Abundant Housing’s endorsements!

Thanks to supporters like you, Abundant Housing was able to endorse in two slates in the ADEM elections, with excellent results! In the AD50 race, our endorsed slate (the Grassroots Slate) won 10/14 spots. And in the AD54 race, all 14 members of the Forward 54 slate we endorsed were successfully elected. Read our endorsements here, and see the results here.

These victories demontrate the importance of housing as an issue. Housing advocates like you were able to send pro-housing delegates to ADEM, sending a strong message that we need major action on housing from political parties! 

Through the course of 2021, we plan to increase Abundant Housing’s presence in local races, and build a movement of future pro-housing leaders. Please consider donating to support this effort so that we can deliver the next round of wins!

Support this important RHNA motion!

Your hard work in advocating for a transformative housing element in LA is paying off. We’ve pushed back hard against the LA Department of City Planning’s “Status Quo” plan for the housing element, which would fail to encourage strong housing growth and would let our highest-resource neighborhoods continue to block housing. Thirteen civic organizations have joined us in saying NO to the status quo.

Now, Council President Nury Martinez has authored a bold motion that would instruct Planning to change course. Planning would propose an equitable distribution of LA’s RHNA housing growth target across all neighborhoods, based on objective factors like access to jobs, transit, and past housing production. This approach to the housing element would encourage strong housing growth near jobs, transit, and high-opportunity neighborhoods, while also addressing the significant need for affordable housing in disadvantaged neighborhoods. It’s the right way to plan for LA’s future.

On Tuesday morning at 10am, the motion will come to a vote at City Council. Tell your councilmember ASAP that you support Council President Martinez’s motion, because you support an end to the housing crisis.

Undesign the Redline Virtual Exhibit – This Week! Feb 17, 6–8 pm


Black History Month Auction

On the last day of Black History Month, we will be auctioning off 24×36 frames of the artwork we displayed throughout the month. Each portrait will begin at $50, a discounted rate compared to the rate the artist typically sells at. We hope that you and your network can join us, all proceeds will go towards Abundant Housing LA as we continue the fight to end the legacy of redlining and housing discrimination.

Use this link to register. And use this link to view the artwork and submit your bid
