J O I N     |     D O N A T E    |    V O L U N T E E R 

Hi Friend,

LA is seriously behind on affordable housing. That means that our most vulnerable neighbors are in trouble.

In the middle of a severe public health and economic crisis, that simply won’t do!

We’re joining our friends at United Neighbors in Defense Against Displacement in telling the LA City Council and elected officials to prioritize public land for the public good by committing to use the site of the former Bethune Library, a vacant 34,000 square foot city-owned parcel located at 3685 S. Vermont Avenue, for the development of affordable housing and not a hotel. South LA needs more affordable housing!

Read the letter.

Sign the petition


I want to be your neighbor

We want to hear your story.

I want to be your neighbor is a new multimedia campaign from Abundant Housing LA that seeks to tell the personal stories behind the housing crisis. We’re looking for participants willing to tell us about their experiences with long commutes, overcrowding, impossible rent, and more in this photo and video series. 

Interested? Fill out the form. (el formulario incluye texto bilingüe)

The White Papers: Wildfires and housing policy in California

Read our latest White Paper from Isaac Gendler.


New opportunity to get involved: Communications Committee

We’re in the process of finalizing our Communications Committee. This group of exceptional volunteers help us steer our communications work, from social media to press to content creation. 

Interested? Email Esteban. 

