Take action: To hold governments accountable for housing, make it a constitutional right

Housing is fundamental to human wellbeing, on the same level as food and medical care. The United Nations has recognized a right to housing in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

But right now, this right is only guaranteed to higher-income Californians due to our housing crisis: 54% of renters and 38% of homeowners with a mortgage are house-burdened, and at least 161,000 people are experiencing homelessness in California on any given night. California has the lowest homeownership rate of any state in the country (54%).

SCA 9 will declare that housing is a human right in the California Constitution. Specifically, SCA 9 states that all Californians have a right to adequate housing and that state and local governments have a joint responsibility to ensure that this right is realized, consistent with available resources, in an expeditious manner.

By recognizing the human right to housing and creating a moral and legal framework, SCA 9 will help hold governments accountable for ensuring that everyone is affordably and fairly housed. Join AHLA in urging your state legislators to support this constitutional amendment!

Support SCA 9

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